Friday, December 23, 2011

My Christmas ornaments

I really love my Christmas ornaments.  My ornaments are really special to me and I have collected every item over the years.  Every Christmas I try to buy something special and uniqe and when I travel I always try to buy something that I really like from that country.  When I decorate the tree I just love to open all the little boxes and look at the beautiful things that have been in the storage for 11 months.

So I just wanted to show you some of my special ornaments:-)

I have a quite a few birds on the tree and this one is a gift from my friend last year and is called Princess Diana......because my friend Diana gave it to me !

This is the newest member of the tree, a little bird I bought today ;-)

...and some more birds

And then we have some reindeers....

We have two daughters that are adopted from China so our Christmas ornaments from our two trips to China are very special to us.

...and our beautiful Christmas ball from Unicef, showing all the children of the world


I´m very fond of our first Christmas ornaments.  I bought it in Austria when we were traveling
there in 1999.

We also have two little frames that have pictures of our daughters first Christmas with us :-)

And here are some random, beautiful things I´ve collected.

...and at last one of my favorite item I bought in Florida in 2010 in
the special store, Anthrophology.

Merry Christmas to all of my readers, where ever you are from or who ever you are :-)


1 comment:

  1. beautiful ornaments! I also have a lot of birds. Our tree this year was so small so I only decorated it with flowers and birds. Happy new year!
